In case of emergencies like fire, gas leaks or potential explosion hazard do not hesitate and call 112

Maintenance matters should always be reported in writing to:

Key problems during office hours
It is of course very annoying if you have forgotten or lost your keys. These keys cost money and unfortunately, Kamerbemiddeling Tilburg is forced to charge the following costs:

-Certified key € 85.00
-Normal key € 12.50
-Opening the door / bringing lost keys on location EUR 50.00

Key problems outside office hours
If you have lost or lost your keys, you can contact the Beer security telephone outside office hours on 013-5722111. They can be reached until 23:00 and can open the door for you for a fee of +/-EUR 100.00.

Glass damage
For this, you can contact De Glascentrale by telephone 013-5442926.
In the event of a burglary, the police must be called in at all times and a copy of the report must be sent to Kamerbemiddeling Tilburg. This in connection with any insurance issues.